What is Home Church?

Home Churches are simply our weekly small group gatherings. The word church comes from the Greek word Ecclesia in the Bible. It literally means the gathering of citizens. From a biblical perspective, it is the gathering of citizens from Jesus' kingdom. We experience Ecclesia on Sunday mornings in a large gathering, but we also need to experience it on a smaller scale. Home Church allows us to gather in these smaller settings to get to know one another in a deeper way and build relationships. It allows us to pray together, read and explore scripture together as well as live out mission together. If you are curious about joining a home church, let us know and we will work to get you connected into a group that is a good fit for you.

“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” - ACTS 5:42

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