This ministry serves our post-high school, university and beyond crowd, within the church! Our heart is to see this generation growing in their love of Jesus, and finding God's purpose for their lives together. We want to gather as a community, building strong relationships to encourage, learn and support one another in faith and daily life. Find on this page upcoming community events and info for when we will be meeting.

For our regular gatherings, we meet on Sundays as a young adult group on the second and fourth Sunday of every month. 

Follow us on Instagram for future info on events and gatherings (click the "Instagram" button below):


Event Information

February 16 -  Final Practicing the Way Video: Life Together

February 23 - Games Night at Nathan's! 7:00pm (2350 Nechako Dr, Kamloops BC)

March 2 - No Young Adults

March 9 - New Practicing the Way videos! Series TBD!

Practicing the Way Course
Click the link below for examples for crafting a Rule of Life as we will discuss in Session 7! (Document taken from - "The Practicing the Way Course: Companion Guide")
Rule of Life Examples

Connect with us!

Follow us on Instagram and or reach out to us through our connection form with any questions you have about Young Adults! (Click the icons below)